2010年3月21日 星期日

Energy Usage (Version 3 & 2)

Version 3

The table summarises the energy usages in Australia, Japan and USA in 2000 and 2001. It also compares the usage increase in term of percentages in the three countries since 1990.

The lowest amount of energy usage, i.e. 15 million tons was consumed by the industry sector in the USA and the production sector in Japan. The highest amount, i.e. 25 million tons of energy was used by the other sectors in the USA. However, the overall highest amount, i.e. 63 million of tons of the energy usage went with the three sectors in Australia.

Since 1990, the usage of energy in the industry has increased to 36 percent in the USA, which was the highest percentage yet the lowest figure among the three sectors. In fact, the energy is generally quite high in Australia compared with the other two countries. The overall usage of Japan was the least.

To sum up, Australia is the top consumers of energy, while the USA consumes the more energy in both industry and other sectors. The usage will continue to increase in Australia and the USA.


Version 2

The table shows the data regarding the energy usage in Australia, Japan and USA in 2000 and 2001. It also compares the percentage of the energy-usage increase in the three countries since 1990.

The industry sector in the USA and the production sector in Japan used only 15 million tons of energy which was the lowest amount among the three countries. As for the energy usage of the other sectors, 25 million tons of energy were used in the USA, 21 in Australia, and 19 in Japan.

Since 1990, the usage of energy in the industry has increased to 36 percent in the USA, which was the lowest usage among the three countries. Besides, the other sectors in the USA still consumed 5 percent more than those of Australia and Japan. Compared with the two countries, the production sector of Japan increased in the usage of energy. But the overall amount, i.e. 16% was the least.

In summary, USA consumes the most energy in both industry and other sectors, and the usage will continue to increase in the USA.

